The Farm in Galong Ltd was formed to address particular aspects of the problem of drug abuse in the community.
Two things were of specific concern and became the focus of the group’s planning: recidivism and the effects of drug use on the user’s family. One particularly tragic effect is the removal of children from their parents.
They believed that a place was needed that provided care after rehabilitation for people seeking to consolidate their recovery. They also felt there was a need for women only services to address their specific needs, especially those connected to inter-personal trauma and the removal of their children.
In 2017 the group was offered a convent on three acres in a beautiful rural setting to use as a post-rehabilitation facility for women. The site is ideal for the program, offering residents a quiet and secluded environment away from the pressures of modern urban life.
Our Vision:
The Farm in Galong aims to provide a place of restoration for women and children affected by substance abuse. We aim to reunite families and provide a strong foundation for long-term recovery.
Our Values:
- Respect for all in recognition of the inherent dignity of each person
- Awareness of the need for family, community and participation for life to be meaningful
- Respecting rights and meeting responsibilities
- Care for the most vulnerable in our community
- Unity within our differences: we are our brothers and sisters’ keepers
- Environmental stewardship

Maximum Number of Residents: 20
Age Range Of Residents: Women & Children Up Until the Age of 12
Payment: 80% of Centrelink Payment (Limited fee paying Priority Admission places available).
Length of Stay: 12 Months
Types of Treatment: Drug/alcohol addiction
(Prescription medication permitted – non-smoking)
The Farm In Galong (Galong, N.S.W)
If any information is inaccurate please contact here.