Rehab Reviews Australia

The First 90 Days Getting Clean And Sober

90days tag resz 1 min

The first 90 days are truly a majestic feat for many people in recovery. Its powers can be utterly elusive, seemingly part of an exclusive club whose members are rewarded at the very least, in Narcotics Anonymous, with a beautiful red chip. Sometimes this chip is shiny, other times it can be a deep matted … Read more

Beyond Prescriptions: Why Opioid Dependence Remains a Problem

Opioid Dependence 2 min

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a complex condition characterised by an overwhelming desire to use opioids like oxycodone, heroin, and fentanyl, among others, which leads to significant distress or impairment. The condition not only involves a physical dependence, evident through increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation but also carries a heavy psychological burden. Despite … Read more

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