Rehab Reviews Australia

Logan House – Lives Lived Well (Chambers Flat, QLD)

Logan House – Lives Lived Well (Chambers Flat, QLD) is  residential drug rehabilitation facility situated in a picturesque semi rural setting on the banks of the Logan River, midway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. 

Logan House operates as a Therapeutic Community and offers a comprehensive recovery oriented experience for persons grappling with a severe alcohol or other drug related problem. Our goal is to support people to make health enhancing behaviour and lifestyle changes – including, but not limited to, their drug use.

Our specialised alcohol and drug treatment program, for people aged over 18 years, provides a community for people to live and work within, while fostering a focus on personal growth as a means of recovery.

This Therapeutic Community approach provides a safe and supportive environment, which is free of alcohol and non-prescription drugs.

Here, residents can review their life, reflect on their present and move forward into a future of their own desire and design.

Our qualified staff will work with residents to develop a personal treatment plan and help provide them with the necessary resources and tools to support their journey of recovery.

Our program includes individual and group counselling, life and job skills training and access to specialist services from other agencies.

Residents can participate in a range of activities, all of which have a strong emphasis on relapse prevention. There is a pool, tennis court and well-equipped gym.

A specialist parenting program is also offered.

As part of a Therapeutic Community, residents will be involved in the day to day activities of community living. Residents are asked to cook and clean and carry out general maintenance.

When it comes time for residents to leave the program, we will help put in place support networks within the wider community to ensure a smooth transition. Access to halfway houses or supported accommodation can be arranged during this time if needed.

Maximum Number of Residents: 37

Age Range : 18 Years +

Approximate Payment: 80 % Of Centrelink

Length of Stay: Six Months +

Types of Treatment: Alcohol/Drugs/Gambling

Logan House - Lives Lived Well (Chambers Flat, QLD)


75-87 Kirk Road,

Chambers Flat

P: 1300 727 957

P: (07) 5546 3900

P: (07) 3834 0200

F: (07) 3832 2527

E: [email protected]


If any information is inaccurate please contact here.

5 thoughts on “Logan House – Lives Lived Well (Chambers Flat, QLD)”

  1. Could not believe this place what a joke i wanted to exercise daily use pool but wasnt aloud to unless accompanied with some one else at speciefied times.Also i was waiting for na meetings etc but i didnt encounter nothing but us sitting around at night taking turns reading from na book and a whole heap of bookwork like being at school which i was miserable at.The never asked what you would like to do you were just told so i had an anxiety attack and no one cared.This facilith was more interested in all there rules and who broke them.And i was horrified to learn there were no trained staff on premises only ex addicts.This place made my addiction worse.

  2. this is a fantastic place with qualified and experienced staff who actually care what what is going on in your life. I was here many years ago and have been sober ever since my stay and I put it down to this program 100%. Thank you all so much for taking the time to help me rebuild my life back together.

  3. This rehab was a lifesaver for me. The staff was knowledgeable and the programs were tailored to my specific needs. I am now living a much happier and healthier life, thanks to my time at this rehab.

  4. Logan House: A Place of Reckoning, Growth, and Real Recovery

    I never imagined I’d end up in rehab. No one does. But when I arrived at Logan House, I knew one thing—I couldn’t keep living the way I was. My life had been shaped by addiction, bad choices, and an endless cycle of running from myself. I convinced myself I was in control, that I wasn’t as bad as others, but deep down, I knew the truth.

    Recovery wasn’t just about getting off drugs. It was about learning how to live without them. It was about figuring out who I was without the chaos, the numbing, the escape. And that was terrifying.

    At first, I still carried my old ways with me. I wanted to change, but I also wanted to hold onto the things that had destroyed me. I wasn’t using, but I was still finding ways to manipulate, to test boundaries. I learned quickly that stopping the behavior wasn’t enough—I had to change how I thought.

    The hardest part was being honest—with myself and others. I had spent years justifying my actions, blaming my past, avoiding responsibility. But real recovery doesn’t start until you face yourself. Until you admit no one else is responsible for your choices. That honesty, painful as it was, started to set me free.

    Faith and Recovery: Letting God In

    I had always believed in God, but in my addiction, I kept Him at a distance. I was ashamed, convinced I had messed up too badly to be forgiven.

    Something changed at Logan House. Maybe it was the quiet moments, the space to reflect. Maybe it was the people I met, the conversations that made me think deeper. But for the first time in years, I opened myself up to faith—not in a forced way, but in a way that was personal.

    I started to see I wasn’t alone in this. That I didn’t have to carry my past on my own. That grace was real, even for someone like me. And when I let go of control, when I actually surrendered, things began to change.

    Recovery wasn’t just about fixing myself anymore. It was about becoming who I was always meant to be.

    Boundaries: The Hardest but Most Important Lesson

    One of the biggest lessons I learned at Logan House was the importance of boundaries.

    In rehab, you meet people with stories just as painful as yours. It’s easy to form connections, to feel like you finally belong. But here’s the hard truth: not everyone is there for the right reasons. And even those who are still have their own battles.

    I had to learn that while it was great to meet people and share experiences, I was there for me. I wasn’t there to save anyone. I wasn’t there to get caught up in distractions. I had spent too many years focusing on others, using their problems to avoid my own.

    Boundaries weren’t just about keeping toxic people at a distance. They were about knowing my own limits, knowing when to step back, when to say no. That lesson didn’t just help me in rehab—it became one of the most important tools in my recovery outside of it.

    Facing a Life-Changing Moment: My Heart Surgery

    While at Logan House, I found out I needed heart surgery. It wasn’t just a minor issue—it was something that could have ended my life.

    I had spent years destroying my body, thinking I was invincible. But now, I had to face reality. My past choices had real consequences. My body had been through hell, and it wouldn’t just bounce back overnight.

    But the support I received at Logan House wasn’t just professional—it was real. The staff, the people around me, they showed up for me. They reminded me why I was fighting for my life in the first place.

    That experience could have broken me. But instead, it became a turning point. I realized that recovery wasn’t just about getting clean—it was about fighting for my life.

    The Real Work Starts When You Leave

    One of the biggest mistakes people make after rehab is thinking they’re done. That just because they spent time in a program, they’re free from addiction, free from the struggles that got them there.

    That’s not how it works.

    I had to remind myself that I had been using drugs—or at least living with the mindset of an addict—for a long time. It didn’t just disappear because I spent a few months clean. I had to keep working. I had to build new habits, new routines. I had to stay accountable. Because addiction doesn’t just leave you. You have to fight for recovery every single day.

    Leaving Logan House was both exciting and terrifying. I felt stronger than ever, but I knew the real test was outside those walls. The temptations, the old triggers, the people who doubted my change—it was all still there. But this time, I was different. I had the tools to handle it.

    Gratitude and Moving Forward

    Recovery isn’t perfect. Some days are harder than others. Some days, old thoughts creep in. But now, I have something I never had before—clarity. I know who I am, and I know where I’m going. I know that every single day, I have a choice. And I choose to keep going.

    Logan House wasn’t just a place that helped me get clean. It was a place that helped me find myself. It was where I learned that I’m stronger than my past. That I’m capable of change. That my life isn’t defined by my mistakes, but by what I do next.

    If you’re thinking about recovery, here’s my advice: don’t wait until you’re forced into it. Don’t wait until rock bottom hits again. Choose it now. Because once you really commit, the right environment can make all the difference.

    Logan House was part of that difference for me.

    And I will always be grateful.


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