The Toora Women – Transitional Corrections – (Western Creek, A.C.T) Coming Home program’s purpose is to provide services to women exiting the Corrections system that will reduce homelessness and recidivism.
In providing safe accommodation and follow up in relevant areas of a woman’s life, women are supported to fulfil their potential and reintegrate into the community. This leads to stronger families and stronger communities.
The Coming Home Program provides:
Accommodation and outreach support
Assistance to rebuild relationships with families, children and community
Assistance to deal with health issues, start education, training or employment
Assistance to link with other services in the community
Assistance with drug and alcohol support and trauma counselling
Sexual assault and domestic violence counselling and support
Cultural sensitivity, advocacy and case management
The Coming Home program manages Viv’s Place a transitional property, and four properties on a head lease agreement with ACT Housing. Women are housed in head lease properties until they achieve sustainable tenancy. At this time their lease is transitioned to their name and managed by ACT Housing. Outreach in the form of case management continues with the Coming Home program, where appropriate.
The Coming Home Program provides wrap-around support to women exiting the Alexander Maconochie Centre. A supportive relationship is established with women while they are incarcerated through outreach visits to the gaol. Upon a women’s release, the service provides intensive case management, outreach support, advocacy, and referral.
Who is eligible?
Coming Home program assists single women, women with children, women from culturally diverse backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, who have been incarcerated. Women with partners can also access the program.
Toora Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Service provides short-term and longer-term specialist AOD treatment and support in shared residential settings. All residential programs operate in a safe, friendly and welcoming home to assist our clients to begin or continue with their recovery plan.
Our programs aim to address issues underlying our clients’ drug use and equip them with the tools and positive life-skills they need to maintain abstinence before returning to the wider community.
Lesley’s Place is a short-stay 12-week program offering support to women at the beginning of their recovery who have completed a substance withdrawal. Marzenna House offers longer-term support to women who have established recovery for at least three months. The maximum stay with Marzenna House is 12 months.
All clients receive case management and are allocated their own AOD specialist case coordinator to develop goals and an individual treatment plan.
We offer a range of interventions and educational groups which are based on mutual self-help and peer support. Clients in the Marzenna House program may act as “Recovery Champions” who are further on in their recovery journey and are able to guide other clients.
Our specialist AOD case coordinators have been professionally trained in all areas relevant to the AOD sector, and in line with the standards in the ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Qualifications Strategy.
Housing Fact Sheet
Toora Women Inc. (Toora) is a not-for-profit organisation which has been delivering gender specialist services to women in the ACT and surrounds since 1982. Our mission statement “Safety, Respect and Choice for Women” is central to our goal of empowering women.
We support women, with or without children, with complex issues who have experienced past or present traumas, such as:
the impact of their own or another’s drug and alcohol use
domestic, family and sexual violence
homelessness or needing support to stay out of the homelessness system
mental health issues
time in the ACT corrections system
Our current programs range across a variety of settings such as crisis and transitional accommodation, alcohol and other drugs (AOD) day programs, counselling and outreach support, allowing Toora wrap around support based on each individual need. All services are delivered within a human rights and gendered framework and are based on a theoretical model of recovery, respect and empowerment. All contact with Toora is confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
In 2018, Toora was declared a Crisis Accommodation Provider by the ACT Attorney-General.
Further information about our organisation can be found on our official website: accommodation is offered by Toora?
Toora offers supported accommodation across a range of settings. This includes rooms in a group- share environment, and standalone housing for women and families who are able to meet the conditions associated with sustaining an occupancy agreement in an independent living situation.
Clients in an independent living situation are expected to meet the conditions associated with sustaining their occupancy agreement e.g. keeping the gardens, yard and house in good order, connecting the utilities in their own name and paying their fortnightly rent.
Clients living in shared accommodation each have their own bedroom, however, all other facilities (such as kitchen, bathroom, laundry and living areas) are shared with other residents.
Since 2016, Toora is a registered Community Housing Provider as recognised by Housing ACT. How much will it cost?
Toora will consider all assessable income types when determining a client’s rent calculation as part of an annual rent review. The annual review will take place at the end of June and the new fortnightly payment will commence on 1 July every year, taking into account the Centrelink rate increases.
When commencing an Occupancy Agreement with Toora, clients must pay two weeks’ rent in advance. If this is not feasible, an individualised repayment plan will be agreed to by both the client and Toora.

Maximum Number of Residents:
Age Range : 18 Years + (including children up to 12 years of age))
Approximate Payment: 25 % Of Centrelink
Length of Stay: 6 Months +
Types of Treatment: Alcohol/Drugs/Gambling/Smoking
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Toora Women - Transitional Corrections - (Western Creek, A.C.T)
PO Box 4038
Weston Creek
ACT 2611
P: (02) 6288 6904
If any information is inaccurate please contact here.
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