Rehab Reviews Australia

The Opioid Epidemic: Fentanyl’s Deadly Contribution to Overdoses

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In recent years, the opioid epidemic has emerged as a devastating public health crisis, reshaping communities across the globe and challenging our approaches to drug addiction and mental health. At the heart of this epidemic lies the proliferation of synthetic opioids, notably fentanyl, a potent drug that has contributed significantly to the rise in opioid-related … Read more

AFL, NRL and Political organisations are addicted to the money they receive from online sports betting companies that destroy the lives of average Australians

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As the popularity of sports betting continues to soar, an alarming trend is emerging – the addiction of political organizations and sports leagues to the revenue generated by these betting companies. Both the Australian Football League (AFL) and the National Rugby League (NRL) have been heavily reliant on the money they receive from sports betting, … Read more

Treatments Must Adapt to the Changing Face of the Opioid Crisis

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The opioid crisis continues to evolve, and so must our approaches to combating it. With the face of this crisis changing, it is imperative that treatments catch up to meet the shifting needs of those affected. From prescription painkillers to illicit drugs like fentanyl, the opioid epidemic has devastated communities and claimed countless lives. However, … Read more

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